We're fundraising for Supertee
We are hosting a Tea4Tee's to help shape the experience of the sickest kids in hospital through the gift of a Supertee medical garment. Please join us or donate to this amazing cause.
The Supertee is a medical garment that inspires imagination. It provides parents and hospital staff with an easier way to change their child while accessing or bypassing medical lines. Supertee aims to bring convenience, comfort, and the wonders of imaginative play to hospitals in Australia and around the world.
Thank you for helping us to recognise kids as the true superheroes they are.
Thank you to our Sponsors


Koichi Okamoto

Dorothy Mcdonald
Thanks for organising morning tea to support Super Tee.

Leigh Murray
Congratulations on the ‘launch’ of your new Space Commander tees Jason. We are so proud to be part of the SuperTee family in a small way

Stephen Nicholls

Jade Coote

Susan Andrews
Privileged to be part of the SuperTee fundraising Team

Julie Woodward

Greg Benardos
Gotta get things started somewhere, my son spent the first 3 years of his life in the Royal Children's Hospital, then continued admissions for 15 years (Still to this day). I know first hand how this can help not only the child but the Careers. Thank you Supertees

Robert Su

Ashley Dick


Bernice Velez
Great work, truly inspiring and uniting fund

Mary Pan


Kurt Williamson



Kate O'keeffe
